Photos & Videos








The Burning Wallet

Even though the wallet is a gag, it certainly gets a great deal of attention. Looks like a hot money trick or does money really burn a hole in a wallet.



The Balloon Man



Performing at the Festival of Trees

Every Christmas at the Timonium Fairgrounds, Ken and several members of the International Brotherhood of Magicians donate their time and skills to raise donations for the Kennedy Krieger Foundation. " It's our way of giving back to the community." The group also hosts several other charitable events throughout the year. There were four other performers from our group with puppet acts, coin routines, mentalism and a sorcerer. An exciting afternoon for everyone.



An Egg Bag

Of all the routines, the Egg Bag certainly gets the most notoriety and laughs. This routine has found it's way into thousands of professional magic acts across this country because of the laughs and the amazing surprise ending. It delights crowds both young and younger. " It is my personal favorite "







A Rising Pen? No way!

Ken is performing his signature rising pen trick in front of about 2500 people on the Carnival Cruise Lines. Combined with several other magic routines, Ken left this audience not only astonished but laughing out of their seats. " it was a captive audience "



At the Westminster Social Auditorium

Ken has invited a young guest to the stage to help in an hysterical cookie production. Actually two children are dressed up in funny attire and throw invisible chocolate chip cookies at each other which ultimately become visible and magically appears in a bag. Where did they all come from? The audience was also amazed. It's magic.